GAME DESCRIPTION: Download Here.Hercules is an Action game developed by Eurocom and published by Disney interactive software.Its language is english and its a singler player mode game. Disney's hercules action game is released after the movie so the game story is somewhat similar to that movie and its full of action and intresting as well.So the game follows the same story line as the animated film.Hercules son of Zeus,is stripped of his goodhood ans he must have to prove that he is a goodand a true hero in order to regain his immortality. Hercules game is with very nice graphics and the game play is active and fast.hercules game is not a much difficult game as far as its game play is concern its a simple game but an intresting and action packed. View cam changes in different stages with different graphical techniques. In Short this game is very entertaining and different monsters are adding special features in this amazing game along with beautiful environments, colors in this game are really attractive specially color of stones and grassy fields.And the costume of our special hero HERCULES in really amazing and fantastic.
HERCULES PC GAME SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Sound Card >>> 16 bit microsoft Direct X compatible Sound card.... RAM >>> 32 mb RAM... Processor >>> 200 MHZ processor.... Free Hard Disk Space >>> 77 mb free hard disk space.... CD-ROM Drive >>> 8x speed CD rom.... Operating System >>> win xp and win 7.... Video Display >>> 640x480, 256-color DirectX-compatible VESA or PCI local bus video display HERCULES PC GAME SCREEN SHOTS:
GENERAL GAME INFO: Download Here.CounteR Strike 1.8 is a first person shooter game (FPS) and latest to the counter strike series of game after counter strike 1.6.In this new version of counter strike launched my Goiceasoft studios he brought some modifications and changes but the main features remains the same as counter strike 1.6 game.Can add maps and play with bots and also options to paly game online as well. In this new version of counter strike game CS 1.8 there are more maps available about 300 maps with much action and adrenaline.This version is with modified characters ,new weapons and very much improved graphics which you will see when you play the game your self.But playing online is just an option for you , one can also play it easily on his pc by installing the game with its setup.Because this game has simple interface which is easy to install. So i recommend all of my fellows to install and enjoy this FIRST PERSON SHOOTER GAME. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 1-- RAM >> 384 mb RAM.... 2-- Processor >>> Pentium 4 1 Ghz.... 3-- Disk Space >>> 1gb free disk space.... 4-- Video Card >>> 64 mb.... 5-- Direct X >>> 9.0 c.... SCREEN SHOTS:
GENERAL GAME INFO:Download HereHitman Absolution PC game has been released After the 2368 days since Hitman Bloodmoney was released,So thats a very long time in real but Hitman Absolution is On now.Well Hitman Absolution is an intense mixture of serenity and Obscenity its foul-mouthed and grubby henchmen including a layer of thick grime to otherwise Quaint small city streets and heated desert sands. Hitman Absolution provides a host of extra abilities for 47.Sneak up of an army of NPC and now would be able to kill them or subdue with bare hands.Its just like a blood cash the place you may take simply individuals as human defend and them knock them chilly with the back of your pistol(Butt).... The first villain is a narling crime lord with an enormous cowboy hat and a down house drawl named Blake dexter.The Sequel embraces the mechanics of previous hitman games within the ways in which matters most.In Hitman PC game there are 20 levels but many are divided in to much intresting stages.The important thing distinct between this and Blood money is the levels are segmented as a substitute of one large level say like the heaven and the hell club location. Additionally not evey mission feels as wide open as the king of china town stage but im supposing that it could be unfair,regardless even the extra linear areas of Absolution Profit from versatile design with most residential places with number of entry and exit points included and the outfit is very owsome SO finally i can say HITMAN ABSOLUTIONS as a superb creation and i recommend all of my friends >> must play this game. HITMAN ABSOLUTION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: CPU >>> 2.4Ghz Core 2 Due Intel or Amd.... RAM >>> 1GB RAM.... GRAPHICS >>> Direct X compatible card with 512 MB RAM Nvidia 8 series or AMD radeon 3000.... OPERATING SYSTEM >>> Windows-7.... Sound Card >>> Direct X compatible Sound Card.... Hard Drive Space >>> 10 Gb Of Hard Drive Space.... HITMAN ABSOLUTION SCREEN SHOTS:
GENERAL PRODUCT INFO: Download Here.Transgaming's SwiftShader 3.0 latest version ironagames download TransGaming SwiftShader is a software program GPU toolkit itsthe world's quickest and the versatile 3d rendering technology program.This software will enhance the performance of your game clearly mostly used in the game with high graphics,With the help of siftshader latest version you can run games easily and quickly. SwiftShader program is capable of supporting a number of application programming interfaces corresponding the direct X 9.0 latest version.with x86 code generator. SwiftShader is offered now for commercial licensing for applications ,operating methods ,embedded system. and different device drivers,Swift shader product is basically open GL es api.So if you are fond of playing games with good graphics you not only need compatible system unit but swift shader is also needed to support good graphics.
Installation Notes: 1-- Extract the RAR file.... 2-- Copy the file and now paste them in to the directory of the game which dosen't work with low graphics.... 3-- Now play your game and feel the difference.....
GENERAL GAME INFO: tekken 5 download Download Here.Tekken 5 is definitely more in the tekken series of game,its resembling tekken 3 upto some extent,so its nothing else but a fantastic combination of 4 games of tekken series bring more action and fighting . So after the firing battle of king of iron fist tourament 4, a most wanted battle between father and son ,kazuya and jin,which took place in Honmaru in Mishima Zaibatsu headquarters,finally the jin is the victory holder nad Heihachi has now turned his back on Kazuya,With many alterations tekken 5 has brought a new revolution in the tekken series of gaming.In tekken 5 you can alter alot of characters using foreign money u earn as u keep on palying the game.Tekken 5 brings in the real fighting spirit of the game with the addittion of some new characters so i recommend all of my game kid fellows to download and install this brand new tekken5 game and dont forget to enjoy.... Tekken 5 System Requirements: 1-- processor >>> Core2 Due 3.0 GHZ.... 2-- RAM >>> 1.0 GB.... 3-- Hard Drive Space>> 5.0 GB.... 4-- Graphical Card >>> 512 MB.... Tekken 5 Screen Shots: